Today, Friday May 20, 2016 The Clone Brothers LLC has been approved by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission and presented with their Oregon Recreational Producer License.
We are proud of our commitment to hard work and diligent pursuit to stay on time and on task and would like to thank all of you that contributed in helping us meet this early milestone.
We are “The Clone Brothers”, a Tier II Recreational Marijuana Producer.
We ‘re anxious to begin Ship-to-Ship transfers of our “Clones” to your licensed facility so please contact us before your ready to turn the lights on, well get your cannons loaded and ready.
Welcome aboard Skipper!
Congratulations guys! I know its been a while since you got your certification, but we wanted to say hello as colleges. We are work out of Curry County and are also a tier two facility. Hope all is well on the job site!